苹果微笑已更新,全面匹配苹果云微/蓝微!价格上涨发表时间:2021-11-02 23:38来源:微商软件中心 苹果微笑全面更新2.0版本,此次更新完美匹配了之前苹果云微、蓝微的全部功能和稳定性,也就是说现在苹果的微笑就是之前的云微! Apple Smile fully updated version 2.0, this update perfectly matches the previous Apple cloud micro, blue micro all functions and stability, that is to say, now Apple smile is the previous cloud micro! 在历经了1个月的时间,苹果微笑终于适配了微信版本8.0.10,同时功能、稳定性全部修复完毕,在本次更新后,开发商也把价格提高了。 After a month, Apple Smile was finally adapted to wechat version 8.0.10, and all functions and stability have been repaired. After this update, the developer also raised the price. 从当前的价格可以看出,苹果微笑堪称土豪专用款毫不为过,价格直逼百元!如果按照蓝微/云微的运营周期来算,以苹果微笑当前98元的价格,每个月的费用不到20元。苹果云微团队之前的产品基本都稳定运营6个月左右(重点是要买的早!购买任何软件谨记第一原则:买新不买旧,早买早享受,早买用的久)。截至当前2021年11月2日,苹果微笑刚好上市了1个月,所以现在买的话,使用时间就要打折扣了哦。 From the current price can be seen, Apple smile can be called tuhao special money is not too, the price of 100 yuan! According to the operation cycle of Lanwei/Yunwei, the current price of Apple Smile is 98 yuan, and the monthly cost is less than 20 yuan. Apple cloud micro team's previous products are basically stable operation for about 6 months (the key is to buy early! Remember the first rule when buying any software: buy new, don't buy old, buy early, enjoy early, buy early, use long. As of The current Date of November 2, 2021, the Apple Smile has been on the market for exactly one month, so if you buy it now, you'll get a discount. 但是好在很多用户架不住云微功能强大和超高的稳定性,宁可花高价也要用的安心舒服。功能上苹果云微有很多的独家功能,例如到期前7天提醒,避免了软件因突然的过期而丢失聊天记录及重要文件;还有支持在微信群查看陌生人的微信号。定时群发功能就数云微的最好用,毫无BUG。还有自动跟随转发朋友圈的功能简直堪比云端转发软件,所以这也是众多用户为什么宁愿花高价也要买云微的原因。在云微关服之后,好多用户被一些假冒云微的垃圾软件骗到,这也能看出之前的云微是多么的火爆。 But fortunately, many users can not set up the cloud micro-function powerful and ultra-high stability, would rather spend a high price to use the peace of mind. Functions apple cloud micro has a lot of exclusive functions, such as 7 days before expiration reminder, to avoid software due to sudden expiration and loss of chat records and important files; There is also support for checking strangers' wechat accounts in wechat groups. Timing group function on the number of cloud micro best to use, no BUG. And the function of automatically following and forwarding moments is comparable to cloud forwarding software, so this is why many users would rather pay a high price to buy Cloud Micro. After the closure of Cloud Micro service, a lot of users were cheated by some fake cloud micro junk software, which can also see how popular the cloud micro is before. 而现在,苹果微笑微信多开就是之前云微团队的新品,如果你非常喜欢之前的云微,那么就认准微商软件中心(www.mfstvip.com)购买苹果微笑吧! And now, Apple smile wechat is more open before the cloud micro team's new, if you like before the cloud micro, then look for wechat business software center (www.mfstvip.com) to buy Apple smile!